Coffee Date

Well, hello! It has been entirely too long since I have jumped on here. My website was my first creative outlet for sportsdrmorgan and I miss it! There is something said for letting my mind wander and sharing in a larger way than good ‘ole instagram.  Alas, you have asked some questions recently and I thought tackling them on this forum would be a great way to ease back in to writing on the regular. 

Let’s have a little coffee date, shall we? 

How’s motherhood? (The most frequently asked…) 

In a nutshell, it is all of the things people say. It’s a blend of all encompassing love and this intrinsic force deep inside that you didn’t know you had. It’s exhausting and beautiful. The days are truly long and go by too fast. We live far from family and haven’t had any outside help which has made this mama a little strung out at times. But I am eternally grateful I get to be with her everyday and to watch her learning and grow.  We are really learning and growing together really. And the responsibility of nurturing another human is not lost on me, especially in the world today. She is such a tiny wonder. I can’t wait to see who she becomes.

Did you finish your closet clean out?

Ugh. Yes, and no. I tried on everything single piece of clothing I own and tossed out a ton of stuff- 4 giant bags full. You will see it in an upcoming Reel I have yet to edit (did I mention motherhood is also very time consuming)?  Still, every time I walk into my closet I feel at a loss. I tossed another pile out just yesterday. The shift from clinical medicine during a pandemic with the added new mother component and geez… Stella is still trying to get her groove back.

What spring trends are you loving?

On that same note… spring is here! Well, at least in Phoenix it is. And I am dying for a sundress and some color. Bright, floral, pastel or bold, you name it as long as it’s happy. I think for the same reasons above I am really pushing for fun style this year. Classics will never die… but I want to amp it up in a unique way. I feel like getting dressed everyday should be a celebration right now! Anyone else? 

What’s next for SportsDrMorgan? 

Well, team, this is a loaded question. For those of you reading for the first time, I quit clinical medicine about a year and a half ago. Quit meaning… a pandemic relocation mediated an extended maternity leave that has led to more questions than answers. When I walked away from a prestigious academic medicine career I was really happy and also confused. When you are on one path your whole life switching to another can be a little bit (okay a lot a bit) frightening. That said, sportsdrmorgan has exciting things in store. Stay tuned on Instagram to see an awesome opportunity I have upcoming. I am still full of content ideas and as always I will continue to strive to share my knowledge in a fun accessible way, while mixing in a lot of who I am; clothes, mothering, doctoring and hopefully one day soon some travel. I always say I might be a great doctor but I am better at people. And I want to reach as many of you as I can. As always, if you have anything I can help with send it my way. 

Anyway…. Nap time is over and I gotta run. Let’s make this coffee date a regular thing, shall we? 

– Dr M

Our Birth Story

I meant to get this posted near her birth! But the 4th trimester has been wild! … more on that another day. Alas, here we are, and it is finally time for a catch up! If you had been following along you know pregnancy was going well. (And I’ll share my 3rd trimester update eventually…) Due to my age we were candidates for induction at 39 weeks. My doctor and I had made this the tentative plan. I wasn’t super into a ‘birth plan’ per se, but I am type A and like to have some semblance of a strategy in place! But baby girl evidently did not feel this was a good plan… we discovered she was breech, and for a first pregnancy this would mean you cannot have a vaginal delivery due to safety reasons.  If she did not flip to the appropriate direction (ie: head down versus up), I would need a caesarean.  Spoiler alert: she stayed breech. Google “spinning babies” if you want a laugh thinking of me laying upside down while very, very pregnant in a feeble attempt to turn this strong-willed little lady.  We also tried an external cephalic version (ECV) where my doctor attempted to rotate by pushing on my belly.  Yes, it looks as barbaric as it sounds.  It was tolerable pain (nothing compared to what was to come…) but, sadly not successful. Baby girl was showing her stubborn streak. I blame her dad.

Speaking of the hubs… he had a work trip leaving 4 days before our planned induction/now possible c-section. The day before his departure his parents were flying in to stay with me while he was away and help once baby arrived. They were somewhere mid-flight when I went in for one last OB visit before he heads out of town. You know, just in case…

At the doctor I reported the standard late pregnancy symptoms of feeling tired and uncomfortable but overall, feeling well. I had been having mild intermittent belly tightening, and a few episodes of tightening that were more intense but random and rare, nothing too crazy to me or that would signify labor was near. My doctor checked me, and we found out those pains were actually contractions! I was dilated in early labor. The best laid plans, am I right? Since baby girl was breech, suddenly time was not on our side. If we waited I could further into labor and need an emergency c-section. Not ideal. Instead, we opted for a more controlled urgent one. This meant… we were having our baby that day. What! We left the doctor’s office at 10 am. Drove home. Francis got a potty break (of course) and I grabbed my hospital bag. (I almost took it to the doctor appointment that day but was thinking what a rookie move that would be… go figure!) We were back at the hospital and in the operating room by noon. We attempted one last ECV after my spinal (numbing me from the waist down for surgery) … but again she wasn’t willing to flip. 

There was such a mix of emotions this day. I felt like I had done everything the best I could during pregnancy and still ended up having a c-section which I really did not want. I was scared. I know too much medical stuff. But not enough at the same time, if that makes sense? The nurse with me saw my fear. While wheeling me back to the operating room she paused the bed and told me a story about my baby girl. She gave me breathing techniques and promised to stay with me throughout. And then we were on our way again. At this point it all happened so fast. There was a mirror overhead and I watched my doctor working. I remember squeezing my husband’s hand in pulses to focus on something other than the fear. I watched as baby girl arrived and heard her little cries. My fear now mixed with a whirlwind of other emotions. It was one of the most overwhelming moments in my life. As they brought her over and placed her on my chest, I knew nothing would ever be the same.  Welcome to the world Everette Hazel. You represent the hope and dream of your parents. And we can’t wait to get to know you.

Photo: Stephanie Honikel Photography

2nd Trimester Recap.

Ah, the second trimester. The time when you (usually) start to feel a little more normal. For me, this rang true. At about 14 weeks the fog finally started to clear. It wasn’t a quick process. I did not wake up one morning and say “whew I made it.” But over a few days to a few weeks, I noticed improvement. And wow after the first trimester it was great to break through. 

To start, my fatigue dissipated, and my daily nap was no longer required to survive the day. I also felt like getting back to my ‘normal’ foods again including salads and smoothies. Although, my craving for avocado toast certainly did remain… My motivation to exercise also improved, as did my ability to make it happen. This was a welcome gift! It felt great to finally be able to move my body to keep myself and baby healthy knowing how important it is to get regular exercise in pregnancy. (SEE my post here) I changed my walks to my usual jogging and I was able to get back to 2 miles at a comfortable pace.  I started to take longer hikes with my husband, but still could not keep up with him… I also restarted a strength program focusing on short full body circuits to get my muscles going again. 

With my overall renewed energy, I made it a priority to break some of my first trimester habits and remove the crutches I no longer needed. Sadly yes, this meant I said goodbye to my daily bagel and purse stash of crackers. Feeling better overall allowed me to eat and move better, and in doing so (you guessed it) that I felt even better making these healthy choices. 

The biggest surprise of this trimester was my crazy dreams and insomnia. Some nights I would wake up in a full panic over a dream. I also would wake up with full on tears streaming down my face over something that happened in the dream! This was so wild. The insomnia nights were equally crazy.  I could be wide awake for no reason until 3-4 am or fall asleep normally then wake up at 3 am ready for the day. There was no use fighting it. I had the urge to do something productive during these times, (3am laundry anyone?), but instead finished a book on my iPad. The night feels very long when you are awake! Something tells me I will learn this more after baby is here… maybe this was just preparation.

I had hoped my renewed sense of energy would mean more normalcy in my day-to-day life. Unfortunately, this trimester coincided with a peak in COVID-19 in our area. Given pregnancy is a high-risk condition, I continued my time staying safer at home. It was a huge bummer to think I was wasting some of my best days of the pregnancy stuck at home. The emotional toll of being pregnant during this pandemic is something I will write on another day. Bottom line, it is really sad, and I know I am not along in feeling that it has made this already crazy adventure very tough for pregnant women. I feel a lonely and fearful and grieve the ‘normal’ experiences I should be having like registry shopping and babymoons and baby showers. I know most importantly I am safe and healthy, but still sad for losing the first-time mom pregnancy experiences.  

Physically I started to have a very tiny bump and at 16.5 weeks felt my first flutters of movements. It honestly gave me butterflies.  Such a strange sensation! And although I don’t automatically feel attached to them in a ‘oh hi there’s a human in there’ sort of way, (I am way too practical for that) it definitely hits on the mystical magical spiritual process that is occurring on a deep level. 

Logistically we hit our regular appointments with our OB, had our anatomy scan and the glucose tolerance test. I added in a visit to the dentist for a much overdue cleaning- dental care is super important during pregnancy! Poor dental health can lead to worse outcomes including things like preterm labor. I started my registry- if anyone is interested in what I picked and what I passed on a future post could be devoted to that as well.  I read every website known to womankind as I prepared it, and often went down unnecessary hour-long rabbit holes to learn more about all the things… I guess that is how my Type A pregnancy brain + staying at home passed the time and rationalized what might be ahead in this grand adventure. 

Overall, this trimester has been pretty good. I hate to complain with any negatives as I know how lucky I am, but the reality is everyday still isn’t roses. I still did have days when fatigue would hit or dinner wasn’t happening due to my stomach discomfort. The fullness in my stomach has been one consistency throughout and it is still wild to me that so much more growth still has to happen.  I can’t decide if everything is flying by our creeping along… Even though I am a doctor somedays I just feel in the dark about what is going on with my body and realize my control is gone. Again, likely preparing me for the future with a baby, I guess!  Nothing to do but wait it out, stay as healthy as I can, and allow nature to do its magic.  

See you in the 3rd Trimester! Ah!

My Starting 5 – April 2021

I was supposed to have this published on the fifth of the month, but instead of working over the weekend we took some much needed time off! A mini babymoon night was just what the doctor ordered. It was great to be able to just relax and spend a few moments away to ourselves after such a hectic year. Just wish it was a longer trip!

I am back on my game plan and writing in real time so that I can get you my Starting 5 for the month of April.  As a reminder, the Starting 5 is my list of the top of items or tips/tricks that I am loving and would share with you over the water cooler at work or over wine with my BFFs. There was a great response to last month’s list… (Here!) hoping you find some gems in this one as well. 

Without further ado… the April Starting 5


Hpyerice Hypervolt in gray and black shown zoomed in
Hypervolt with Bluetooth Percussion
  • 2 words: Game Changer. I have experience with these devices as a team doctor and know they can be great. I was trying to come up with a fun Christmas gift for my husband this year and came across an advertisement. I thought he might love it as he gets a little stiff from his workouts mixed with long days standing over the operating room table. So yes, this was actually a gift I bought for him knowing full well I might use it too… #marriage Come to find out, it is a total game changer for me in this pregnancy! I have been using it daily on my hips, low back, glutes etc. My SI joints have been a hot mess since the second trimester and this little nugget has been worth every penny. Note that I did get it on sale for the holiday… so keep an eye out for a deal but knowing how much we both use it I would absolutely pay full price. 

Be Well By Kelly Protein Powder

Be Well By Kelly Protein Powder
  • If you follow me on Instagram (which I hope you do! @sportsdrmorgan) it is no secret I love Kelly Leveque and her nutrition concepts. When she launched her brand of protein powder I needed to test it out. Prior to this, I have used several whey and plant-based powders. Some I still love (Tone it up Peanut Butter is delicious!) but wanted something less processed to use during pregnancy. Enter BWBK Protein. It is extracted in a chemical free manner, is made from grass-fed beef and contains collagen. I choose the vanilla flavor and have been loving it in my morning smoothie. Also, hot tip- you can mix a small amount in almost anything to up the protein. Another current go to: mix a half scoop in all natural PB and spread on an apple as a balanced snack. 

Hatch Belly Oil

Hatch Belly Oil
  • Staying with the pregnancy theme I splurged on the luxurious Hatch Belly Oil. I have been slathering on all the balms and oils and creams I can find to aid in the stretch as my belly grows. Nothing truly prevents stretch marks according to the science, but it sure doesn’t hurt to keep the skin hydrated. The Hatch Belly Oil is pricey, but it lives up to the hype! The smell is soft and pleasant and it dries super fast. I also love applying it because it feels like a little dose of luxury. And in the times of COVID, while pregnant, staying home all the time… there is something to be said for feeling a little luxury in my post-shower routine. 

Getting Dressed

  • Speaking of little luxuries… getting dressed while pregnant isn’t one of them. Nor is getting dressed during a pandemic! Anyone else switched to a 100% sweats and yoga pant wardrobe? Then one day I got dressed. Nothing fancy, just something that made me feel good to wear. I also put on my engagement ring and a splash of makeup. I don’t usually wear my ring when I am home since the majority of the day I find myself doing chores like laundry or washing dishes. That day I noticed immediately I felt better. Putting a small amount of effort can make a huge improvement in your mental wellbeing. Hopefully this is something I can remember to do postpartum as well!  Funny story one day I did ‘full makeup’ for a photo I was taking and when I walked into the bathroom I caught my own reflection in the mirror and literally jumped. I scared myself because I didn’t recognize my own reflection. Haha. Definitely time to step up my day-to-day game for no one except me and my own mental wellbeing. 

Outlet Shopping

  • It is no secret I love a bargain. I needed new bedding for our a new California King size bed. (bed linked here  … I love it!) But I also didn’t want to spend a fortune on the linens. Bedding is important for sleep yes, but my 28lb Frenchie sheds on it. I also needed a few furniture items for our nursey but didn’t want to break the bank.  Baby stuff adds up and is expensive! I will do another post on what we bought for the babe, spoiler alert, you don’t need as much as the registry folks want you to think you do. 
  • After ogling a few of the duvets online from Restoration Hardware I serendipitously found an RH outlet nearby. I did the same for Pottery Barn when hunting for a glider and crib. Here’s the tip. Look for an outlet version of these stores. They sometimes carry ‘scratch and dent’ products, but they also sometimes have perfect returns that cannot be resold. 
  • While in the RH Outlet I stumbled across a pair of Cal king sheets that matched my aesthetic, but no duvets.  I didn’t go to buy sheets. Ugh. I decided to pull them out of the packaging to be sure I didn’t also ‘need’ to buy sheets even though we had just bought two sets… and low and behold it was a DUVET! I was ecstatic. I continued my hunt by searching for shams… but couldn’t find 2 that matched and were the appropriate size. That is until I again opened a package that had been mislabeled. No way, right!  The sales lady was laughing with me by the time I finished. She said the product comes in on large pallets and they cannot look through each in detail. So, if you do venture to find a bargain don’t be afraid to ask to look inside the packaging!
  • While on my Pottery Barn Outlet shopping trip I had another great experience. I had started my search for nursery furniture online, but to my dismay every glider that I did not find hideous was backordered or special order and wouldn’t arrive until months after our due date. Did you know some of these chairs take like 10-20 weeks to produce, let alone ship? The gestation on the chair is as long as on the actual baby. A friend told me to try the PB Outlet as I could take the pieces home the day I purchased. I found the perfect glider in a neutral gray fabric… and while there saw a crib that would work too. We had initially intended on the cheapest crib possible and had considered one from Ikea. But those looked flimsy in person and I was concerned about function.  I also did a deep dive into crib and nursery safety one afternoon (working from home = lots of deep dives into the internet baby space) and I found out about Greengold Certification and the chemical free nature of the products from PB. This was a win win. We got our glider and crib, and I grabbed a stuffed lamb toy to add to the mix. All in all, we saved money and were able to get them set up in the nursery in plenty of time. 

My Starting 5 – March 2021

I enjoy reading ‘Things I love’ posts from bloggers, but they sometimes feel overly sponsored and materialistic. That said, I love seeing the true gems others find. Enter: My Starting 5. These are the 5 things this month that I am totally into. They might be items I love, but I also want to focus on fun experiences or useful tips.   Think of it as the former chats about the latest gadget with a coworker or the tip your BFF gave you over dinner.

It also goes without saying none of this is sponsored because well, no one sponsors me. If that ever changes I will update accordingly. 

Without further ado, the March Starting 5!

Breville Smart Oven Air

Our new Toaster Oven
  • Let me back up… I contemplated adding a toaster to our wedding registry.  The one we used I swear my husband had in college! After reading some reviews I was drawn to the idea a toaster oven instead.  Basically, why have a toaster that literally is an appliance for 1 thing- toast bread?  The toaster oven which does all sorts of things. Right before we made the move to Phoenix I saw this little gem on sale. And when I thought about turning a real oven on to cook in the 115 degree desert heat it seemed worth trying. Let me say, it may be my favorite adult purchase EVER.  Seriously this thing is genius. It toasts, roasts, air fries, bakes and the convection feature makes it heat up so fast without heating the whole house. Literally almost zero preheat time. I think I lived here a month before I even had to turn the real oven on… and that was Thanksgiving when I was using BOTH the toaster oven and real oven.  Simply genius. 

Simple Modern Tumblers

Best Tumbler
  • I mentioned in my 1st trimester post (linked here) that I really had to focus on upping my hydration game during pregnancy. These cups made it happen. I love the neutral colors and size.  I filled it with extra cold water (which it keeps maintains temperature on very well) and thanks to the nifty straw I can chug it down easily. Bonus tip for staying hydrated- every time you take a drink think about 10 big gulps. Boom, you are on your way to hydration.  I use a free app on my phone to track the volume I drink (Water Llama) and know if by noon I am 2-3 fill-ups in I am on track.  I bought my first one at Target… and also they have them on Amazon. 

New Planner

My new 2021 Planner
  • Ah Amazon how I hate to love you so much.  At the start of 2021 I was looking for a simple monthly calendar to help keep this website and instagram on track. Everyone says you need a content calendar (still learning all these things…) but being a visual person I hoped it would help me see everything together.  Most calendars I used before were too busy and had too much space for things I didn’t need (birthdays and to-do’s, etc-  I keep those on my online calendar). Enter this planner from Amazon.  It is thin and simple has just enough space to layout my ideas for the weeks and months ahead.  I have never felt more organized in my content planning. Now time to execute! 

 Podcast Walks

  • That first trimester is a doozy! Nearly all my exercise came from walks in the neighborhood. I have always loved podcasts but found a new appreciation for them while on these walks, and also while working from home and needing a source of stimuli other than my computer screen. Or Francis snoring on the couch. I have been catching up on Oprah’s super soul, re-listening to old favorites from How I Built This, for a short burst I enjoy The angry therapist, and recently have following Be well by Kelly. 

Sunday Pizza Night

  • The Sunday pizza night tradition started in LA when I first moved in with my husband.   And it is one of my favorite easy traditions we have maintained.  It works for several reason.  First, who doesn’t love pizza?  Second, I love having one night a week I never have to think about what to make for dinner.  Our routine is to order a giant salad to split and pizza to share.  After relocating to Phoenix we found ourselves deep in the largest pizza scene I have ever seen (Thrillist Best Pizza Phoenix) . And although I miss my beloved Manhattan Beach Pizza in Southbay— the fact that we can find a wood fire/artisan/special pizza place on every corner certainly helps.  We have tried a new one almost each week! I don’t see this tradition ending any time soon. If you want to try one but don’t live locally… actually delivers Pizza Bianco nationally. Crazy, right.  If you end up in Phoenix we also love Cibo, The Parlor, and Base Pizzeria. 

1st Trimester Recap

(secretly pregnant in these workout photos… just another day in the life!)

When my now husband and I first started seriously dating we had a talk over a diner breakfast one lazy Sunday morning that went something like, “hey I like you, this is going well and to get the life we both want we need to move quickly…” From engaged to married to expecting all during a crazy pandemic year that tipped everything sideways… I believe that is the definition of moving quickly! 2020 was the best and most insane year of my life. 

In August 2020 we pivoted away from our dream wedding and celebrated with an intimate micro-wedding that turned out more perfect than I could have hoped (still working on sharing those photos…)  Around this time we decided to let what would happen in the baby making department, well happen. Being 37 years old gave me doubts that this it be an easy road. To that end, my sincerest love to anyone struggling with infertility. I have a personal story to share another day that makes me extremely sensitive to this and the emotions of saying we were open to trying was enough to bring me to tears. After some soul searching I choose to focus on the word ‘surrender’ knowing none of what might happen was in my control.  People ask if we were trying and I have debated if that is TMI?… but if sharing helps anyone then it needs to be done. Making babies isn’t always as easy as they teach in high school!  There is a small window in a woman’s cycle when babies can happen called ovulation. This time varies for each woman and most don’t actually know exactly when this is. I wanted to approach this little journey as much like a doctor as possible. This meant using a basic drug store ovulation kit.  When the little guy flashes a smiley face that is go time. It doesn’t always work like magic but can be very helpful to learn your cycles and for us, that was it.

How did I find out? In a word, I KNEW. I am super aware of my body. There was something the tiniest bit off. Slight belly discomfort, a minuscule amount of something not even considered nausea but something. I took a very early test and voila – positive. I didn’t get too excited, knowing early tests aren’t always the outcome, but sure enough!!  I had an immediate mix of emotions from excitement to gratitude to fear to wow this is so weird! I was shocked. So shocked that even though I know some women take time to figure out a cute way to tell their husband… I instead choose to blurt it out on the next phone call.  I knew I needed his support immediately.

Everything that followed was new.  I kept telling every doctor how weird it was. I had treated many pregnant women before, but never imagined what it actually felt like to be pregnant. I also never realized how isolating it can be. It is crazy that in the time when hormones are all over the place and this huge life change is on the horizon there is taboo in telling others. There is something to be said for privacy if you choose, but this taught me it is important for everyone to tell as much or as little as they want whenever they decide to do it.

What I felt:

Tired. So tired. In weeks 3-13 I slept more than ever in my life. I am NOT a napper, but this fatigue was no joke.  I would sleep on the couch 2-3 hours in addition to going to bed early. And by early I mean at 8pm I was under the covers. I felt guilty but didn’t have a choice.  My body needed rest. Lucky for me my husband was super supportive and kept encouraging me to listen to my body. When he asked what I did that day and I said I ate a bagel and napped, I swear he said awesome great job.

Digestion changes. Many women have severe nausea or vomiting way worse than I.  But for me this was still terrible.  I was nauseous and my digestion slowed down like crazzzzy.  There was a 2 month period where dinner wasn’t something I could eat.  I would start the day with a little breakfast, do okay at lunch and at dinner couldn’t eat without being nauseous, overly full and very uncomfortable. In general carbs were my friend and a fancy dinner became saltines and a slice of cheese at 4pm.  Not wanting to fall totally off the healthy food train I tried my best to sneak in salad and protein when able. I loved eggs and avocados so much this kid is half avocado toast.

Body changes. Despite no actual bump my lower stomach became super sensitive very early. I couldn’t tolerate any seam across my belly.  Pants felt strange and uncomfortable. One of the silver linings of staying home during COVID was there was rare instance I actually needed to wear anything other than cozy sweatpants.  And then there are the boobs. People say they get bigger… and that is no lie.  Everything on the front half of my body felt swollen and hard to recognize. Contrary to most women instead of super luscious hair and nails, mine fell out and were brittle to the point of asking my doctor, but it was nothing of concern.

The usual suspects. Peeing all the time, sensitivity to odors, cramping legs at night and bleeding gums are super common issues and I experienced them all. 

Things that helped:

Listening to my body. It felt like the day after you have a bad flu… but for the whole trimester. Naps were on repeat. It was hard to feel so lazy but I didn’t have a choice. Hormones and the body changing rapidly, as well as growing an entire new organ (the placenta) means required rest.

Trying to make healthy food choices as much as my body allowed- although I ate more bagels than in years, I gave myself grace.  This wasn’t a free pass to follow every craving.  I was very aware it was easy to say I craved pizza… when honestly when do I not crave pizza? I also kept in mind the nutritional needs for this tiny addition are in fact tiny. If I could stomach a few pieces of broccoli those nutrients were enough!

Exercising as I could. I wanted to try to keep something from my normal routine even if it had to be very limited.  I prioritized daily walks to feel better physically and mentally. I went on slow bike rides while my husband ran alongside (running was out of the question with that weird stomach sensation). I stretched nightly to try to help with leg cramps. 

Hydrating. Normally I am terrible at drinking water. It is a job hazard. Seeing patients all day means no time to stop to drink or use the bathroom. But after I made hydration a priority – 80+ oz per day, tracking it on free app on my phone – I noticed a huge improvement.  I was worried about going to the bathroom a million times per day. But my sister in law said it best reminding me I was doing that already- at least this way I was hydrated. And it actually made bathroom trips better because I needed to go as opposed to just having the sensation. 

Preparing. Carry the big purse at all times. Trust me. I had citrus fruit, sparkling water, pretzels, crackers, and plain bread on hand anywhere I went. I’m not sure anything really helps during this phase, but having something to try gave me the sense of control I desperately desired.

Onto the next trimester…

Our Engagement Photos!

First all credit for this amazingness goes to Lauren Scotti (  She is the genius behind both our engagement and wedding photos (I have those too and l can’t wait to share!) And to say I am obsessed is a huge understatement. One of my favorite moments has been when I am sitting at my desk and my laptop screensaver comes on flashing a mixture of both photo sets. I find myself watching the screen like a movie and loving every single one, every single time. I will cherish these forever. 

engagement photo
engagement photo
engagement photo

I want to share a few highlights and the story behind the photos, not only because they are so dang awesome but also because we almost did not take them at all. 

I mean… come on…  we almost did not take these?? 

engagement photo

We were engaged in March just before the California stay at home in order and in a time when COVID-19 was on the top of everyone’s mind.  We knew we were not going to have a long engagement and set our sites on August for our wedding.  We found an amazing wedding planner and secured my dream photographer.  By then we were approaching two months from our wedding date and the schedule was tight.  Unfortunately there were also restrictions in place in the state on outdoor activities, venues and other businesses- including photographers.  We were unsure if we were actually going to be able to move forward even if we planned a date unless these restrictions were altered.  

engagement photo
engagement photo
engagement photo

As with everything in life during this time my hopes were to proceed but knowing that it may not happen put a little damper on the excitement. In the back of my mind were thoughts like: Do we really need more photos of us? What about the added cost? Our wedding is so close… shouldn’t we just wait and call it a day?  Honestly how many photos of ourselves do we really need there are only SO MANY WALLS in our house?! Haha.  

So I naturally did what everyone would do in such circumstance.  I googled it.  “Do you really need engagement photos” “Why get engagement photos” and so on.  I read all the blogs, articles and theories I could find.  The answers were variable and solidified that my thinking was similar to many brides before me.  Next I asked my fiancé, wedding planner, friends, random strangers I passed on the street…. okay not really the strangers part but almost. 

Reflecting further got me nowhere.  Finally some business were allowed to open locally and it was during my first haircut in months I heard something that first stuck.  My hairdresser said not getting engagement photos was the one thing she regretted from that period of time before she was married. She said there was something to be said for having those photos to represent that time of your life. Boom, loud and clear.  My wedding planner also encouraged us to have more time to work with our photographer to get used to the direction in front of the camera prior to our wedding day.  She also recommended it because “Sometimes it’s nice to have nice photos where you are not wearing a wedding dress”, haha!  Seriously, as an adult other than my terrible work ID photo when do you get professional photos taken? Never. 

Once California eased restrictions we worked with our photographer to find a location, talk vibe etc.  I trusted her implicitly to guide us having seen her prior work. I sent thoughts on some casual jeans/tshirts and a little flow dress I had ordered. In the back of my mind I also had a dreamy jumpsuit ordered for our rehearsal reception from Rime Arodaky.  And when I say dreamy, I mean DREAMY!  By now we had realized that the dream wedding was postponed until 2021 and I decided this jumpsuit deserved to not be in my closet for a whole year waiting to be worn…  I sent pictures of all options to our photographer.  She suggested all 3 and had a space in mind in downtown LA.  Done deal.

engagement photo

If you have never been to the fashion district in DTLA it is similar to that area in New York or think crazy street vendors, lots of traffic on small streets, people walking everywhere and overall a very high energy urban environment.  We arrived with our luggage in hand and masks on.  Yes, luggage.  Unfortunately I am very good at dressing myself but dressing a man for a photo shoot was another story.  The one thing I figured out was for my dreamy jumpsuit (our most formal) I wanted him in a dark suit.  Which is actually another funny story.  A few nights before I had him pull out his current suits to try on for the shoot… And we realized immediately that he looked like he was trying on his father’s clothes as a kid.  They were HUGE! Haha. Have mercy.  We rushed down to Suit Supply (who had made his wedding suit… more on that in another post) and ordered him one as quickly as possible.  Looking at the photo above I think they pulled it off.

engagement photo
engagement photo
engagement photo

So there we are in downtown LA and head inside the studio.   Another photo shoot was finishing up. “How insane is it we get to do this” kept running through my mind.  The space was open and white, grand and urban, and very, very cool.  The light coming in was amazing.  I will never forget what an amazing experience it was to be able to use a professional studio in downtown Los Angeles, dress up and work with such an amazing photographer. We had a blast. Here we are behind the scenes before images and our reward after…

I received the photo set 11 days before the wedding. I am so happy we took the time, money and effort and made it work. I say this not only because of the photos but the memories we created taking them.  These photos represent a snapshot of our lives (literally and figuratively) in a time when we were working through a really crazy world together as a team.  They illustrate learning how to love each other during a quarantine.  They represent the excitement of planning a beautiful wedding that we will one day get to share with our family and friends (see you in 2021).  They show our laughter, our playfulness and our inability to make normal faces in front of the camera 99% of the time and they document fully just how in love we are in that moment. A moment we will never see again.  I am so grateful it is documented in such a beautiful way.

engagement photo

The ICU is not what you see on TV.

Sunrise over our local hospital.

But you don’t want to find this out first hand.

I saw a picture of a group of physicians and nurses in the “COVID ICU” on social media today. It was the same intensive care unit I worked in for years as a medical trainee. I recognized it right away with its beige tiled floor, clear glass rooms, and that awful yellowish paneled wood work area. Suddenly a flood of emotions passed over me. Memories unrolling one after another. And I realized something…

After all these years I still feel deeply the pang of the long hours in that ICU spending hour after hour with the sickest of the sick. I still hear the alarm beeps. I smell the cleaner in the air and feel the cold as the temperature drops in the wee hours of the morning only rectified by the overly starched heated hospital blankets. And I still remember the patients.

I can see the cancer patient getting treatment with medications making them so sick they could no longer breath on their own. In the corner I see the young cystic fibrosis patient praying for a miracle transplant. I remember standing in a pool of blood putting giant tubes down throats for patients with massive stomach bleeds on the brink of death. And I will never forget the numerous patients so sick with infections in their blood all their organs were failing them, one after another. I hear the ‘code blue’ alarm ringing and nurses yelling for help. I can feel my stomach drop and my heart race a bit as I run towards the room for CPR. 

Sometimes I was there with you alone at 3am, doing everything possible to save you. And other times your family was at your bedside when the ultimate tragedy struck. Tears could not be stopped on either side of our exchange as they said goodbye.

Seeing that picture I remembered everything so vividly my heart felt heavy in my chest. I realized suddenly very few people know this experience. Very few ever have the emotional experiences attached to seeing that ICU. Most Americans (luckily) have never personally witnessed the wrath an ICU on the delicate human body. Most have not had a loved one suffer through countless procedures or treatments, with lines and tubes sticking in and out of every body part possible. They haven’t seen their beloved spend day after day hooked up to breathing machines and machines mimicking kidneys when their bodies basic systems start to fail. They haven’t seen the trees of pumps with IV medications surging into large veins in the neck and groin, while their loved ones lay paralyzed and asleep in a bed growing more and more swollen from the fluids trying to sustain life. This isn’t the television version of the ICU you have been shown before. It isn’t glamorous. At all. People don’t always survive and there is nothing TV viewable about the actual ICU experience.

I know one thing for certain. Be happy you haven’t been there and don’t know that experience. But more importantly just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it isn’t real. It is real. It is the most tragic existence you’ll never be able to imagine.

Wear a mask. Stay home. Stay distanced when you must go out. Please avoid groups. And keep yourself safe. You don’t want to learn what the ICU is really like, trust me.