Ah, the second trimester. The time when you (usually) start to feel a little more normal. For me, this rang true. At about 14 weeks the fog finally started to clear. It wasn’t a quick process. I did not wake up one morning and say “whew I made it.” But over a few days to a few weeks, I noticed improvement. And wow after the first trimester it was great to break through.
To start, my fatigue dissipated, and my daily nap was no longer required to survive the day. I also felt like getting back to my ‘normal’ foods again including salads and smoothies. Although, my craving for avocado toast certainly did remain… My motivation to exercise also improved, as did my ability to make it happen. This was a welcome gift! It felt great to finally be able to move my body to keep myself and baby healthy knowing how important it is to get regular exercise in pregnancy. (SEE my post here) I changed my walks to my usual jogging and I was able to get back to 2 miles at a comfortable pace. I started to take longer hikes with my husband, but still could not keep up with him… I also restarted a strength program focusing on short full body circuits to get my muscles going again.
With my overall renewed energy, I made it a priority to break some of my first trimester habits and remove the crutches I no longer needed. Sadly yes, this meant I said goodbye to my daily bagel and purse stash of crackers. Feeling better overall allowed me to eat and move better, and in doing so (you guessed it) that I felt even better making these healthy choices.
The biggest surprise of this trimester was my crazy dreams and insomnia. Some nights I would wake up in a full panic over a dream. I also would wake up with full on tears streaming down my face over something that happened in the dream! This was so wild. The insomnia nights were equally crazy. I could be wide awake for no reason until 3-4 am or fall asleep normally then wake up at 3 am ready for the day. There was no use fighting it. I had the urge to do something productive during these times, (3am laundry anyone?), but instead finished a book on my iPad. The night feels very long when you are awake! Something tells me I will learn this more after baby is here… maybe this was just preparation.
I had hoped my renewed sense of energy would mean more normalcy in my day-to-day life. Unfortunately, this trimester coincided with a peak in COVID-19 in our area. Given pregnancy is a high-risk condition, I continued my time staying safer at home. It was a huge bummer to think I was wasting some of my best days of the pregnancy stuck at home. The emotional toll of being pregnant during this pandemic is something I will write on another day. Bottom line, it is really sad, and I know I am not along in feeling that it has made this already crazy adventure very tough for pregnant women. I feel a lonely and fearful and grieve the ‘normal’ experiences I should be having like registry shopping and babymoons and baby showers. I know most importantly I am safe and healthy, but still sad for losing the first-time mom pregnancy experiences.
Physically I started to have a very tiny bump and at 16.5 weeks felt my first flutters of movements. It honestly gave me butterflies. Such a strange sensation! And although I don’t automatically feel attached to them in a ‘oh hi there’s a human in there’ sort of way, (I am way too practical for that) it definitely hits on the mystical magical spiritual process that is occurring on a deep level.
Logistically we hit our regular appointments with our OB, had our anatomy scan and the glucose tolerance test. I added in a visit to the dentist for a much overdue cleaning- dental care is super important during pregnancy! Poor dental health can lead to worse outcomes including things like preterm labor. I started my registry- if anyone is interested in what I picked and what I passed on a future post could be devoted to that as well. I read every website known to womankind as I prepared it, and often went down unnecessary hour-long rabbit holes to learn more about all the things… I guess that is how my Type A pregnancy brain + staying at home passed the time and rationalized what might be ahead in this grand adventure.
Overall, this trimester has been pretty good. I hate to complain with any negatives as I know how lucky I am, but the reality is everyday still isn’t roses. I still did have days when fatigue would hit or dinner wasn’t happening due to my stomach discomfort. The fullness in my stomach has been one consistency throughout and it is still wild to me that so much more growth still has to happen. I can’t decide if everything is flying by our creeping along… Even though I am a doctor somedays I just feel in the dark about what is going on with my body and realize my control is gone. Again, likely preparing me for the future with a baby, I guess! Nothing to do but wait it out, stay as healthy as I can, and allow nature to do its magic.
See you in the 3rd Trimester! Ah!
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